Elissa Corrigan - Write Author Desperate ScousewifesBack

Anyone who knows me can attest to my love of lasers, but that's because I'm usually reaching for them in some sweaty nightclub listening to some banging techno.
Now my love of lasers has been taken to a whole new level since I started my laser hair removal sessions at Revitalaser in Heswell.
I'll admit I was apprehensive at first, I didn't know what to expect and after hearing so many stories of painful removal techniques, I only opted to start with a small area - my face. Not that I was a bearded lady or anything, but I wanted to see what I was letting myself in for before I decided on banning all my body hair for good.
After much research and after speaking to the delightfully professional Andrea from Revitalaser, I decided to start my six sessions of treatment at her stunning clinic on the Wirral. I know many other clinics are closer to home, but the laser machine they use is the very best on the market and promised to be absolutely painless. It's worth the trek to the darkside people, believe me.
I'm pleased to say I noticed a difference after the first treatment and the big question is...does it hurt? The short answer is no. Your chosen area is slathered in a clear gel before they rub the laser over the skin letting the light destroy the hair follicle. If you've ever had an ultra sound, it's the exact same feeling, even on the pain scale.
The annoying bit about the treatment is having to let the hair grow I'm the first place, because once you start your lasering you can't wax or pluck in between treatment. All though it doesn't mean you have to walk round with unsightly long hairs, you can shave your desired area as much as you like and it's hardly a big deal when you look at the bigger picture. Just imagine never having to go through those blood-curdling bikini waxes ever again! It's no contest.
The only other downside is, it can be expensive for big areas especially next to your usual hair removal routine, but like I said, consider the end game. This hair removal is permanent, painless and my word, worth every penny! (Prices for small areas cost £40 a session)
After six sessions I'm completely hair free. Not only that, the laser has done my skin the world of good. I used to suffer with spots occasionally especially around 'that' time of the month but now it's made my skin lovely and glowy.
Laser hair removal is an investment. It takes money, time and effort, but the good points outweigh the bad many times over. I can't wait to have the rest of my body done and I wouldn't recommend anywhere else than Revitalaser. The staff are absolutely fantastic. Professional, friendly and knowledgeable about all the latest techniques. Plus they only use the latest and greatest in hair removal.
5/5 stars!
For more info contact:
182a Telegraph Road
CH60 0AJ
M: 07931 341 333
T: 0151 342 2409
E: info@revita-laser.com
W: www.revita-laser.com